Start the Change Today For FREE

A Bit About Me

Why has Shathlete been launched?

I am Max Eaves - the Founder of Shathlete and a recently retired Team GB Pole Vaulter who has decided to build a Worldwide Online Community in order to improve the general public's mental and physical health.  

I have recognised how much time it takes to make positive changes in elite sport through following World Class exercise and nutrition programmes.  I represented England and Team GB at International Level with my most major achievement being the Bronze Medal at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, India.

During my time as a professional athlete, I managed to learn the systems that need to be in place to operate effectively in many areas of life.

  • Time management to arrive on time for training & competitions & flights.
  • Organising meetings with my team of physios, sports doctors, coaches, nutritionists and sport psychologists.
  • Adapting the training plan which was written out for the next Olympic cycle - so every day was planned for a whole 4 years!
  • Communicating with fellow athletes, officials and overcoming language barriers with foreign event staff when competing abroad.
  • Keeping my chin up and pushing forwards after injury or poor competition.
  • Staying humble when I succeed.
  • Respecting other competitors irrespective of their event.
  • Speaking to the general public and fans, particularly the younger generation.

I have  created the Shathlete Packages to give people the support they need to make positive changes to their lifestyle and make the best of their future.  I would see so many times at athletics events, the older generation that have come to watch their kids compete, they were very out of shape and unhealthy looking, perhaps they were sacrificing their own health to help their kids succeed.  I want them to take control of their bodies and make sure they have the capability to play with their kids or grandkids pain free, have the energy to go up a flight of stairs without stopping, be able to trim the bushes or paint the garden fence without putting their backs out.  Injury prevention is just as important as aftercare.  

I also think it  is very important to interact with all of you awesome Shathlete members on a regular basis via Facebook Live which I feel is essential to upholding the Shathlete Community and your progression.  

I have a wealth of knowledge and experience within the fitness industry.  I have a very caring nature and in Pole Vault, I was unique in that I would always compete against the bar, not other people because they had no influence on my attemmpts at clearing the highest bar possible in the least number of attempts.

Where possible I like to help out with my local community in and around Blackpool.

My current life is occupied with a Full Time Sports Massage business where I help local people with soft tissue maintenance and injury prevention so that they can live the best pain free life.  My one month MOT will sort you out.

I also have two furry massage assistants - Wirehaired Miniature Dachshunds Billy and Winnie.  I love caring for people which is why I am so passionate about Shathlete.

I have pulled in various Team GB Olympic and Commonwealth Medallists to show how important we all feel the Shathlete movement is and how we all want to change the world for a better place!

What is Shathlete?

Irrespective of ability, anyone can be a Shathlete. You will be part of a worldwide community where the aim is to experience a positive lifestyle change by following the Bronze, Silver and Gold packages! We are all well aware that change is tough and very hard to achieve alone and that is why Shathlete is here for you, every day, with daily simple and achievable tasks that will help you feel better physically as well as mentally.

  • Bronze Package

    This is for Shathletes who have very little knowledge of exercise and nutrition and are currently in a place where they are lacking the motivation to live a bit healthier than they currently are. Don't like problem you don't need one. Get used to walking, home workouts and a few healthier meals with daily drip fed daily content over the whole year, including motivational quotes and videos.

  • Silver Package

    An introduction to using weights at your local gym to strengthen joints, increase range of motion, build basic strength and lose more fat and build more muscle mass. **COMING SOON**

  • Gold Package

    Time to get in good shape with exercises taken from Olympic Athletes Programming and made available to the every day Shathelte. Train a bit like an Olympian, see your power, strength and flexibility increase! **COMING SOON**

Shathlete has collaborated with The Nourished Soul Diaries because we share the same passion to help you amazing people change your lives for the better.  By following the Shathlete workouts and the nutrition advice from The Nourished Soul Diaries, Shathletes will be able to achieve their best results easily and efficiently - it's support & structure & motivation that you need and it's all right here.

Once the first year of walking and home workouts are complete (Bronze Package), you will find yourself primed and ready to experience Silver & Gold, which educate you on how to use your local gym properly and how to increase your potential to look and feel even better.

British & Brilliant

Everyone can be a Shathlete and fortunately this movement programme has been designed by a Team GB Athlete with a wealth of knowledge and experience to create the means for you to be the best Shathlete you can be!

Pole Vault Lifetime Best

5.64metres Jablonec, Czech Republic

Shathlete Courses

Click Bronze To Join The Team

Mark Dry Olympian and Double Commonwealth Games Medallist

Hammer Throw

Demolition Damo

Smashing a 12stone weight loss in 2 years

Super Susie

Passionate Social Cyclist

Zane Duquemin

Let's move

Mission Ianpossible

Ian now eats weights for his lunch

Discus with Kirsty

2020 Let's go Shathletes


Throwing Spears At Grass